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The 2025 BJR Boys & Girls Lacrosse season is quickly approaching! Season dates: 3/1/25 - 6/1/25

Click here to register your child now to reserve his or her spot. 

COST: $150 per child if registered before Feb 14
(Price increases to $175 on Feb 15)

REGISTRATION CLOSES 2/26/25. No registrations allowed after this date per the new WMYLC team declaration rules.
***Please register your child under the appropriate grade for the 2024-2025 school year. ***

Coed Scoopers (grades Pre-K - K)

Grade 1 & 2 (ages6-7) Boys and Girls

Grade 3 & 4 (ages 8-9) Boys and Girls

Grades 5 & 6 (ages 10-11) Boys and Girls

Grades 7 & 8 (ages 12-13) Boys and Girls

PRACTICES - All practices (dates, times, locations) are determine by the head coach of each individual team and based off of field availability. Practice schedules will not be determined until teams are formed. This is for ALL teams boys and girls.

In the past, practices have been 2-4 nights a week, anywhere from 5:00-8:00pm, and locations could be, Brunswick Middle, Valley Elementary, or Brunswick Sports Complex. Again this is up to the coaches: times, dates, and locations could change.

GAMES - The WMYLC league determines the game schedule and locations. Dates and Times of games are based off of the Home teams availability. In the past Boys games have been on Saturdays and Girls games have been on Sundays, however, that could change depending on the home teams schedule and field availability. We will not receive the league schedule until mid March, once all teams have sent in their rosters.
BJR is a member of the Western Maryland Youth Lacrosse Conference (  Game schedules will be set by the league.



Provided by BJR
Helmet, goggles and Uniform (jersey and shorts)

Parents Provide
Shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, mouth guard, lacrosse stick and cleats.( Please no turf shoes).

*Some equipment is available on a "loaner" basis and collected at the end of the season. New player equipment can be purchased at Play Again Sports in Frederick at a discount.

Please let us know if you need any of the above.


Volunteer - Each parent must sign up for a one of the following; concession stand, gate, announcer, score keeper or selling raffles during the games.

Practices & Games - participants should arrive on time to practices and games as scheduled. 
Please email your coach if you will be late or absent. Failure to notify coach may affect playing time during games. 

Officials - Let the officials do their job. Parents are NOT to yell or threaten officials, doing so will result in parents being banned from all BJR and MV events.

Issues - If you have an issue with a coach please talk to the coach about the issue or contact a Board member to help you talk with the coach. If you have an issue with another parent, leave it at home, we are here for the kids. Gossip, drama and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

Smoking - There is NO smoking on the Sports Complex or School properties during practices or games.


Boys and Girls Grades 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8
(availability based on participation numbers)

11/1/2024 through 02/14/2025 - $150
02/15/2023 Price increases to $175

Lacrosse Representatives

President - Matt Kinard
VP Lax - 
Will Foust
Athletic Director - Jessica Foust

Jessica Foust


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Contact us


Jefferson, Maryland 21755
Email: [email protected]

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