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BJR is a non-profit organization led by parent and community volunteers. You do not need to hold a position to voice your thoughts or lend your time. Meetings are open to the public and held on the third Monday of every month beginning at 7:00pm and are held in the Press Box (above the concession stand). All parent support is encouraged and greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in holding a MVYFL or the WMYLC Representative positions for the upcoming election, you are required to submit a "Volunteer Application" to the President by the October meeting

Anyone interested in running for a position in the upcoming election is required to submit a “Volunteer Application” to the BJR Secretary on or before December 31st of the calendar year.

Voting will take place at the January Annual Election; you must have attended at least 4 meetings in the previous calendar year to be eligible to vote in the Annual Election.

Officer positions include; President, Vice President (football, cheer, lacrosse), Treasurer and Secretary. Additionally, there are six (6) board positions and two (2) non-voting Alternate board positions. Meeting attendance is not required to run for a Board position. 

Player Representatives & Athletic Directors
If you are interested in holding either the Player Rep or the Athletic Director positions, you are required to send a “Volunteer Application” to the President by the February meeting to be eligible for consideration.

Sponsoring BJR

The Brunswick Junior Railroaders Boosters, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (MD Tax ID #52-1781671) representing approximately 300 boys and girls, ages 4 – 13, throughout western Frederick County.

At BJR, we have been blessed by the generosity of many in our community and it is through this type of community support that has allowed us to provide our Junior Railroaders with the most up-to-date safety equipment.

Contributions can be mailed to:  BJR, P.O. Box 692, Jefferson, MD 2175

Questions?? Please contact BJRATHLETICS.ORG 

Thank you in advance for your generous support of BJR Youth Athletics.

Sponsorship levels:

Our LED scoreboard includes sponsor panels that will stay up all YEAR ROUND for our Garnet & Gold Level Sponsors

Garnet ($1200) – 6′W x 3′H Company Logo ABOVE Scoreboard, recognition at each Home game (Only 3 available)

Gold ($500) – 6′W x 2′H Company Logo BELOW scoreboard, recognition at each Home game (Only 9 available) 

Contributions can be mailed to:
BJR, P.O. Box 692, Jefferson, MD 2175

Questions?? Please contact us at [email protected]

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Contact us


Jefferson, Maryland 21755
Email: [email protected]

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